Thousand Prayers (2008-2009) Floor installation Fired Clay, lava stones, and rock 36“ H x 120“ W x 168“ D
Thousand Prayers
In portraying this one human being, I am portraying all sentient beings.
In one organic form live other organic forms.
In one leaf live noses.
In one nose live prayers.
In one Bodhidharma live all sentient beings.
In one nature lives the nature all phenomena.
In one phenomenon lives emptiness.
In emptiness lives all existence.

Who I Am (2008) Wall Hanging Fiberglass and Mixed Media 36” W x 48” H x 18” D
Who IAm
Am I a leaf?
Am I a nose?
Am I a prayer?
Am I a human?
Am I a creature?
Am I living?
Who am I?
Am I a leaf?
Am I a nose?
Am I a prayer?
Am I a human?
Am I a creature?
Am I living?
Who am I?

Breathing the Same Air (2008) Wall hanging Painted Fiberglass
54” H x 42” W x 12” D
Breathing the Same Air
Within a profile of a sitting meditating figure seeing one stroke of Chinese calligraphy
Within one stroke of Chinese calligraphy seeing one island
Within one island seeing noses
Within one nose seeing we are all breathing the same air
Within one breath we see al life in birth, illness, old age, and death
Within birth, illness, old age, and death seeing conditions together and apart
Within conditions together and apart seeing conditions arising.
Within conditions arising seeing Dharma
Within Dharma seeing enlightenment.
Within one stroke of Chinese calligraphy seeing one island
Within one island seeing noses
Within one nose seeing we are all breathing the same air
Within one breath we see al life in birth, illness, old age, and death
Within birth, illness, old age, and death seeing conditions together and apart
Within conditions together and apart seeing conditions arising.
Within conditions arising seeing Dharma
Within Dharma seeing enlightenment.